Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh fractions, how I have missed you... not.

I have always had trouble with fractions as a student in public school. So when I was re-introuced to fractions in my Methods of Teaching Mathematics... I was not the least bit excited. However, I quickly realized that they weren't as scary as I remember them being. Infact, I was very interested in how students think about fractions and how I could be a better mathematics teacher. I know how it feels to be lost and confused when dealing with fractions. I do not want my students to feel this way. Fractions really aren't that bad after all!

Here is an article that I found helpful. I have written a summary and its main points. I hope this acticle can help you just as it has helped me.

Flores, A., & Klein, E. (2005). From students' problem solving strategies to connections in fractions. Teaching Children Mathematics, 11(9), 453-457.
Many students find fractions a difficult concept to grasp. In order for students to begin to build their understanding and confidence in solving concepts related to fractions, educators must first gain insight on how students think about such problems. This insight can be used to construct better alternative approaches to solving fractions as well as better ways of presenting such ideas.
·         Because fractions are abstract in nature, educators must be sure to use concrete and real world examples when introducing and teaching fractions. For example, problems that include dividing brownies after dinner, cutting a cake for guests, or partitioning cookies to friends are a great way to show students that fractions are indeed in everyday life. Examples such as these also offer students a chance to visualize fractions concretely with items and situations they are familiar with. 
·         Students use a variety of different strategies to make sense of and solve problems that include fractions; there is no one way to solve a problem. It is important to remind students that though mathematics is systematic in nature, there are many ways to reach the correct answer. Students must begin to feel confident in exploring other ways to solve problems. In this way, students can find the approach that makes the most sense to them.
·         Students should have the opportunity to share their fraction strategies in the classroom. Educators must create a safe and comfortable environment where students feel they can share and express themselves without being scrutinized. Having students orally describe their solutions while the teacher models it on the overhead or chalkboard for all to see is a great way to expose students to new or different strategies than their own.
·         It is important that students are exposed to the connections that fractions share with other areas of mathematics. One example is the relationship between the division of whole numbers and fractions. Students who see and understand this connection can easily switch back and forth, strengthening their number sense. Other connections that students should be exposed to are: equivalent fractions, equal ratios, area, and the relationship between the corresponding fraction and the remainder and the divisor.